
The bank I have chosen for this work is Caja madrid, which is one of the biggest banks in Spain and offers their clients a large variety of financial and investing solutions. I must feel the obligation of saying that I am a client of the bank and at the moment I do not have any problem with it.

It´s URL is, where we can see that the front page is divided in two sections: the first one, which name is Corporative information, is aimed to the general public because there are information like ``Who we are or Where are we´´ and they can search general information of the bank. Unlike to the first one, the second section is aimed to clients and offers them the possibility of looking at their funds or read news about their financial operations.

In the first section of the front page we can find general information of the bank, the governing bodyes, social activities, sponsorships and also offers the public the possibilty of working on the bank. The second section is centred to the legal, financial and annual information of the bank. I should remark the rating information where the bank divides his clients in two bloks: Investment grade and Speculative grade. You have also the possiblity of downloading new investing programmes as well as the lasts decisions taken by the General Assambly.

Personally I found really interesting the structure of the front page. I think that the important information is clear but what surprised me a lot is the complements of what I said. There are some videos that informs you of the new activities of the bank. Another thing I must underline is the fantastic way the bank has to inform their clients about the situation of their funds and goods.

Mark = 5

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